What’s your system for 2021?

2 min readDec 29, 2020


As the end of 2020 draws near you’re probably wondering what the new year will bring. When will we see our teams and colleagues IRL again? When we will go into the office? And when can we have a party?

One theme that’s been a constant for me in my career — and has helped me through the uncertainty and challenging months this year — is paying attention to my operating system.

I’ve been thinking about this a lot during 2020. Recently I was a guest on a panel where the host asked me about the systems and structures I had in place in my working life. I replied that my system was a simple one — it’s just about knowing what really matters to me (watch the clip below).

A while ago I decided that the best way for me to thrive, do great work and be happy in the process was this: to know what matters most in my life and live my life true to that. And that’s what I call my system.

So how about you?

What’s your system?

What do you need in your life in order to do your best work and live your life true to who you are?

Designing your system is about paying attention to your What, your Why, your Who and your How:

  1. What you’re doing. How can I do work that stimulates me, where I get the chance to play where I play best, where I’m always learning?
  2. Why you’re doing it. How does my working life fit with my broader purpose, how is it aligned with my principles and values?
  3. Who you’re working with. What about my relationships with my team, my colleagues and my customers? Do they energise me, do those relationships allow me to bring my authentic self to work?
  4. How you do it. What are the habits and behaviours that make me most energised and productive? What’s the fuel that I need in my tank? And how can I make these ingredients more present in my life?

As I’ve progressed through my career, I’ve become more and more aware of how these choices affect my well being and sense of fulfilment. For me, my system is my North Star — keeping me aligned with who I really am and what makes me tick. And now those choices are hard baked into my life (watch the video below).

So what about you? What is the system you are building for yourself, around yourself for the next 12 months?

Let me know how you get on.. and if you need any help!

Stay safe. I wish you, your family and your teams a healthy and hope-filled New Year.

Ian Sanders — Energising you and your teams at work




Written by IanSanders

Sparking change through story. Energising people at work. Author of 365 Ways to Have a Good Day (out Nov 2021). Fuelled by coffee, curiosity, walking.

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