“My name is Dylan and I am ten years old.”
It’s been three years since my last Medium post (“My name is Dylan and I am seven years old”). I suppose I’m not a very good updater. Things have seem to stay the same. Except we got a dog. That was quite a big thing! Well I thought maybe I could entertain the 553 people that viewed my last post. I wished I had that many subscribers on YouTube. Oh yeah, I started a YouTube channel last year. But I’ve only got 15 subscribers, so if you could be so generous and subscribe! (here is the link.) Anyway, I’m going to be telling you my top 10 things I’ve learnt over the decade I have lived.
- Not everything goes your way. Especially like me if you’re the youngest child in your family AND you have a older brother!
- I found my love of cameras and writing. I wasn’t looking for my love, they came strait to me. You don’t have to look hard for something if you really love it.
- School is boring and you have to deal with it. It’s like walking through a storm to get home, you can’t escape it.
- Not everybody will be kind and fair. It’s called tough love.
- You’ll have fallout with people and arguments but don’t stop doing what you love!
- Not all story's end in happy after, you might just have to except it.
- Take everything in, and don’t ruin great experiences.
- Do what you can with what you have. Try make something not very good but the best it can be.
- Think about people not as fortunate as yourself. Donate to charities.
- Make a good manifesto and live by it, follow it.
Now make your own list. Follow your rules and make the right decision.
Thanks for reading! Here is my puppy.
This post was written by my son Dylan Sanders. It’s been published as written, no edits have been made by his dad.